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全身を薬草で覆われた、ハーブマン。 彼は、自らの体に植わる薬草の効用をカフェというスタイルで人々に伝えながら旅をします。 人と自然が健康で、子供たちが元気に遊び回れる世界を目指してハーブマンは今日も旅をします。

Herbman's entire body is covered with herbs. He travels around the world, using his café to teach people the effects of the herbs growing on his body. Herbman keeps traveling, striving for a world where people and the environment are healthy, and children can play freely and happily.





Medical Herbman Cafe Project(メディカルハーブマンカフェプロジェクト)=MHCPは様々な地をサーカスのように移動しながら、各地で展開していくプロジェクトです。滞在地にハーブマンという人型の畑をつくり、それを介した体験により人と自然のあり方を届ける。ランドスケープデザインスタジオ EARTHSCAPE が取り組むデザインを通じた環境プロジェクトであり、荷物が全部つまったコンテナと一緒に、ハーブマンが世界中を旅しながら続いていくプロジェクト。ハーブマンは様々な場所で、多様な人々と出会い、知恵を貯え、強いハーブマンに成長していきます。 “ハーブマンがトランク=コンテナを持ち、旅をしながら、健康を伝え、子どもに夢を与え歩く。” 私たちが描くのはそんなビジョンです。開催は不定期ですが、ハーブマンの旅はこれからもずっと続きます。

MHCP is a project that travels to different locales like a circus, growing a little with each stop. Wherever we go, we build a human-shaped field called “Herbman,” through which we educate visitors about the relationship between humans and nature. MHCP is a social enterprise realized in part by the landscape design studio Earthscape. We treat all the project details and production—indeed, all the activity that occurs around the project—as design elements. The project expands as Herbman travels around the world, carrying his luggage in a single shipping container. He will meet many people at his various destinations, gaining knowledge and growing bigger and stronger as he goes.Herbman carries his trunk (the container) as he travels, delivering dreams to children and teaching good health to all. This is the vision of our project.His trips may be irregular, but he will keep on traveling forever.


ハーブマンは人型をしたハーブガーデンです。そこには様々な薬草が植わっています。薬草は、ハーブマンの体に対応し例えば、胃の部分には消化を促進するハーブ、手先の部分には冷え性に効くハーブ、 というように、各部位部分に効用のある薬草が植えられます。そのものがハーブ辞典のような役割を果たし、人々はハーブマンを見ただけで、自分の悪い箇所に 効果のある薬草を知ることができます。ハーブマンに植えられる薬草は、その土地に自生する薬草を基本に構成されています。そのため、土地ごとに植わる薬草は変わり、常にその土地固有のハーブマンが誕生します。

Herbman is a person-shaped herb garden.Various herbs are planted in this garden. Herbs are planted on Herbman’s body according to their effects: for example, herbs that aid digestion are planted in the stomach area, and herbs that work to relieve shoulder stiffness are planted in the shoulder area. In this way, Herbman acts as a kind of herb dictionary.Just by looking at Herbman, people can learn which herbs work for their trouble spots.We also plant herbs that grow naturally in the locale, so that our herbs are constantly changing, and a site-specific Herbman is born in each locale.


Through Herbman, people can learn about the effects of herbs. We also build a Herbman Café nearby as a means for people to apply these effects to their own bodies.The container that carried Herbman becomes the café space, and we offer drinks and food made with the herbs harvested from Herbman.We also use this space to hold various workshops relating to herbs.


After staying in one spot for a determined length of time, Herbman packs his belongings into a shipping container, and heads to his next destination. The MHCP project consists of a dialogue with nature - as symbolized by herbs and their uses - as well as exchanges with a variety of people and the stories born out of these exchanges.



北九州未来創造芸術祭 ART for SDGs

ART for SDGS : Kitakyushu Art Festival Imagining Our Future

APRIL 29 - MAY 9, 2021


2-1 Higashida, Yahatahigashi-ku, Kitakyushu-shi, Fukuoka

© Medical Herbman Foundation. All Rights Reserved.

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